Thinking is an addictive drug. When you are under its influence, you don’t see that all of your problems come from your mind, and when the content of your thoughts trigger intense emotion, you don’t realize that you are being controlled. You think, I am right to be angry. But whenever you are angry–no matter what the reason– you are unconscious. So when that happens, take a breath and stop everything. If you are able to access the aware state of mind, it will release the anger as quickly as Narcan will take you from an Opioid overdose to total consciousness. But before you can do that, you have to know what awareness is and how to move toward it.      

We can’t show you how in the space of a blog post, or in a 30 minute podcast episode, but we can tell you how amazing it is. When you are aware, you are alert and open to everything. You handle life’s surprises rather well. You know just what to do no matter what happens and you have a sense of contentment. Your body is very relaxed and you experience glimpses of joy. At the very least, you are neutral, which is much better than living in a constant state of reactivity. This is because your thoughts have slowed from a frenzy to a trickle. You only think when necessary. But the most exciting part is that you may notice a plethora of synchronicities, and it will blow you away! And while you cannot maintain the state of mind permanently–no human can–you can at least be the presence most of the time, if you allow it.

Our next book that focuses on practices to shift your consciousness will be out in 2022.  In the mean time, follow us on social media and subscribe to this blog. Check out our other books, coaching packages and astrology readings. We look forward to interacting with you and wish you peace and love and light.  

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