Many of us have been raised with the belief in Santa Claus, but as children age, they lose that certainty.

Many children eventually dismiss Santa as a fiction because they reason, how can he be at two places at once? A child may have seen Santa at one mall, and then at another mall, within a short time span. Or a child may  use logic to discern that Santa travels all over the world in one night. It seems impossible!

Of course, what appears to be a logical explanation for the multiple Santas—that actors are dressed up to play Santa Claus –is not the only one. Another explanation has philosophical roots, but the concept has been supported by quantum theory. It is called bilocation.

Bilocation, or multilocation, is an idea that helps to explain why angels and Saints have the ability to be in more than one place at one time. It  is a concept that human beings find hard to fathom, but it does help to support Santa’s implausible activities.

So, rather than tell your child that the store Santa is just an actor, you can provide the magical, mystical and scientific explanation that may make them wonder! And after all, isn’t Christmas all about an implausible story that transcends the ordinary?

Yes, there is magic in Christmas, and we hope you have a magical, joyful, and very merry holiday season!

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