Labor Day is a day where the work we contribute to society is observed and we get a day off from our regular daily routines.

As we enjoy our backyard activities and a day off from the work we do, it is a good time to re-examine our working lives. Do you like what you are doing?

Whether you are retired and engaging in non-paid labor, or you are working a day job to pay the bills, you can and should pursue your passions. Pursuing a passion is better than just allowing life to unfold and seeing which way the wind blows. This is because leveraging passion makes life richer, more exciting, helps you grow and creates joy. You will look forward to waking up each day because you are thinking about the things you love to do. And who knows–down the road, the passion you choose just might turn into a full-time career.

Whatever your occupation, enjoy the respite today. A little down time is always a good thing, even if you already are doing what you love.

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