As you know, we will be publishing our novel very soon and while the hard work is done, the easy part is actually behind us. Putting it out there is scary.

To all artists, writers, musicians and anyone who shares their creativity with others, there is that putting it out there thing that changes everything. Doing creative work and keeping it inside your bedroom is all nice and good but sharing it, well, that’s another thing altogether.


Why should it be scary?       

Well, for one, you are revealing a part of yourself and you are afraid you will be judged. That fear comes from the ego, but if you are truly connected to your inner self, you will send your creative projects out with love instead. Think about it this way: when you send your art out to the world, it is often uplifting for other people. You fear you will be judged in a negative light, but what will more likely happen is that you will touch people.

People are always looking for the next new thing. They want to feel good. When you give them something new by sharing your gifts with the world, surely there will be some people who will be affected positively.

Not everyone is going to like you. It is simply a fact. We are all different and have different tastes. But know that when you share yourself, you will change people’s lives as well as your own.

Knowing yourself and sharing with love rather than fear of what other people think, will help you muster the courage to create new things.

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