Many people join a gym and notoriously do not step into the facility. Weeks or months go by and they realize that the non-refundable deposit is lost. But what about those of you who are members of a fitness club and actually go quite frequently? Are you getting the results you want? Not always. This is the first of four posts on this topic that will help you fine-tune your exercise regimen so that you will be assured progress when you are going to the gym regularly.

One reason why you may not be getting fit even though you belong to a health club is because a lot of the workout time is spent socializing. While you are sincere in your commitment, it is sometimes hard to not be sociable. After all, being friendly is desirable. Yet, it seems that being sociable can cut into your progress.

You may be wearing the right workout clothes and belong to a fabulous exercise facility, but it is what you do there that counts. Do you spend a lot of time talking to other members? If that is the case, you may want to make more time in your schedule. Socializing is desirable and can even be motivating as long as you plan for it. There are several options. One is to allow more time for your workout, another is to go at odd hours so you do not run into as many people, and a third suggestion is to take classes. Classes or small group training is aligned with a social element, but you are assured a good workout.

It might also help to measure your workout by examining the outcome. Did you accomplish your entire routine? Did you reach your workout goals? If not, think about whether your time was spent doing things other than actually working out. Part 2 of this series will appear next Thursday when we will address the problem of getting stuck in the same routine.

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