babypost1Congratulations! You had a baby! And we know you want to lose the weight, but first, it is important to nurture yourself.

You are nurturing your baby, doing what is best for him or her, sleeping when you can grab a few minutes, and probably not cooking as much as you had in the past. So your nutrition suffers, you are tired from lack of sleep, and when someone tells you to exercise, you laugh. Who has time to do that?

And it would be too much of a surprise for your body after all it has been through to rush to the gym once the doctor gives you the green light. It took you 9 months to get there, so it will take time to get your body back.  So what do you do now?

  • Take a walk.
  • Meditate.
  • Take a nap when the baby does.
  • Revive an old passion.
  • Sit outside and soak up the sun.
  • Read a book.
  • Call a friend.
  • Get a massage or a manicure.
  • Do anything that makes you feel good.

Whether you just had a baby, or you are experiencing something else that takes you off the path of good nutrition and exercise, slow down first. Examine your life and daily routine.

Instead of thinking about “losing weight,” think about “feeling good.” Eating clean and drinking more water will result in increased energy. And above all, don’t attempt anything until you are caught up with your sleep. You must take care of yourself before you begin to reshape your body.

Of course, we will hold your hand every step of the way. For now, just focus on wellness and enjoying these first memorable weeks with your new baby.

Our next post will focus on getting your mind ready for weight loss!

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